Offshore brokerage

Intelligent sourcing delivering
an honest first-class service

Independent international ship brokers

OMC is uniquely positioned as we don’t own the equipment or vessels your rig move requires therefore, we ONLY have your interests at the heart of negotiations; there are no hidden agendas.

Our offshore brokerage know-how and extensive network, coupled with the support of our Master Mariners means we can broker the best value to fit your rig move needs. OMC’s Master Mariners have direct experience with the vessels and equipment required for your move and can steer our broking team in the right direction for cost effective marine operations.

This combination of skills and contacts as well as access to vessel databases provides the deepest insight on the latest inspection and audit dates as well as historical performance intelligence providing you with complete transparency.

Intelligent project preparation

Our offshore brokerage service also delivers Spotmarket intelligence reporting during the build up phase of a rig move project.

As an independent offshore brokerage, this service is essential to assist our team in planning appropriate vessel chartering for your project. The Spotmarket reports are updated daily to comprehensively cover current and projected vessel availability as well as work roles and relevant market trends.

Get in touch and harness marine expert offshore broking for an extensive range of vessels.